The Benefits of Genetic Research
Understanding Gene Therapy Leads to Life Saving Treatment of Diseases
The Faith-Based Genetic Research Institute Forms Partnership
The Faith-Based Genetic Research Institute, has partnered with Wayne State University and Karmanos Cancer Institute to form The Faith Community Research Network (FCRN.) This partnership supports a network of churches in the Detroit metropolitan area that meet monthly and work together to support health and well-being among the area’s residents. The FCRN is funded by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) at Wayne State University. To learn more about the partner churches please click here

The mission of the Faith-based Genetic Research Institute is to educate, empower and elevate populations, comprised primarily of people of color, on the benefits of being engaged with the medical community and advanced therapeutics.
Our ultimate goal is to establish trust between communities of color and the medical community using our faith institutions and their leaders as a bridge. Trust will ultimately lead to participation in medical trials and improve community health.

"... the state of current genetic research suggests that African Americans will likely miss out on many of the potential future benefits of personalized medicine."
- Daniel Weinberger
What is the Faith Based Genetic Institute?
The Faith Based Genetic Research Institute is a non-profit organization that was formed by a group of concerned research scientists, attorneys, and faith-based leaders to combat the lack of participation by racial and ethnic minorities in medical trials. Specifically, the group aims to raise awareness, to educate, elevate and increase participation in medical trials involving gene therapy which can lead to better health outcomes.
and Issue Statement.
African Americans are grossly under-represented in pharmacogenomic studies and trials which leads to widening health disparities. According to an August 3, 2018 report authored by Daniel R. Weinberger of the Medical Press Magazine, “existing genetic and medical research data conspicuously underrepresent certain populations.” According to Weinberger, “the state of current genetic research suggests that African Americans will likely miss out on many of the potential future benefits of personalized medicine.”
Education and Information to Foster Dialogue.
The Faith Based Genetic Research Institute seeks to host town hall style meetings across the country over a five-year period to introduce, educate, inform and create a dialogue on the benefits of precision medicine and advanced therapeutics. During this period the Institute plans to conduct numerous pre and post surveys to track the progress being made. We will also create a database for use in selecting individuals for medical trials.
Future State of the Faith Based Genetic Institute.
Having members of minority communities participate in the scientific and business aspects of precision medicine and gene therapy will ultimately contribute greatly to overall participation, increased trust and solid medical outcomes for the community.